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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Day 507: Afternoons & Coffeespoons

I was quite the social butterfly today.

We all slept in late today, and then had a huge ginormous brunch all together. Omelettes, hashbrowns, toast, juice, coffee from Tim Hortons....oh yummy in my tummy! It was still raining cats and dogs today and I actually just felt like doing nothing but lying on Pauline and Tim's couch watching movies, but it's my last full day in Korea on a weekend and I should use this opportunity to visit with as many friends as I can.

I met up with Meghann in the afternoon for a coffee date at Starbucks. Given that I'm a corporate whore now who's (temporarily) abandoned his independent coffee house roots you think I'd feel at least a *little* guilty about spending so much time with that evil green mermaid coffee bitch, but alas, too much time has passed and I'm numb to it all now. I've become Starbucks' more than willing eager-beaver bitch, and can't seem to stop throwing my hard earned won at them. There's a special place in hell reserved for treasonous coffee sluts like myself, haha!!

It was great to hang with Meghann (future mom of my son, Charlie) and then afterwards I had dinner with Marshall. We ate at Ruby Tuesday's and before I knew it it was time to run off again to my next engagement. I met the girls at LaFesta and we went to go see Batman Begins. It was actually really good - I thought it was well done and this one had returned the Batman series to its dark, creepy, twisted Gotham roots. Good stuff.


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