Day 501: Sick Days
I woke up this morning around 5am with the sudden, incredible sensation that I was about to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and made it just in time to begin violently vomiting into the toilet. I don't know if it was last night's pizza, heat exhaustion from the last couple of days, stomach flu, or what, but whatever it was it sure the hell pissed off my stomach.
I called in sick and spent most of the day just lying in my chair. I felt sooooo tired and dizzy and weak and completely unmotivated to do anything but just sit and rest. Any time I tried to get up I felt like I was going to pass out or throw up again. I tried to have some breakfast but that didn't stay in me for long either. I felt kinda bad calling in sick cause Renee had called in sick too, but there was no way I could work feeling like this. And hey, in a year of working at POLY I had only ever taken one sick day, so I can afford this.
I ended up watching a lot of daytime TV, and thankfully it was actually pretty good. 'On Style' kept me entertained most of the day with Oprah, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, Gilmore Girls, and Newlyweds. By the end of the day I was feeling a bit better but still very, very drained. Ugh. Don't think I'll be back at work tomorrow either...
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