Day 495: Being Missed
I got my Preschool report cards back today so that I can write up this month's scores and comments for each of the Parrots. It's kinda exciting to get them back cause there's always comments on the back from the parents, and I'm always really curious as to what they have to say. I'm really lucky this year in that all my parents are really friendly, easy-going, understanding, and totally trusting of me (unlike last year where I felt like most of the moms didn't like me.)
I got some great comments back from the parents. They all said how happy their children are and how pleased they are with their child's development and growth in English. It makes me feel really happy and proud to be a teacher when I get positive feedback like that. Some of the parents even go as far as to praise me for teaching their child good manners and how this has been noticed at home too.
The parents just found out the date that I'm leaving POLY and so a lot of them wrote comments saying how much their child is going to miss me once I'm gone, and how thankful they are that I was their child's teacher. Laney's mom said Laney was crying the other day because she knows I'm going to be leaving, and Colin's mom wrote that Colin says he doesn't wanna go to Preschool once I leave. Awww, shucks guys! You sure know how to make a guy get choked up. I'll miss all those little buggers when I leave, and it's nice to know that I'll be missed as well.
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