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Monday, April 25, 2005

Day 427: TGIFF

TGIFF = Thank God It's Fucking Friday!

Pardon my language, but lemme tell you it's been one of my worst working weeks in my entire working history. This whole Judy thing just keeps on going and going with no end in sight. She cried - once again - all damn day long today! That makes four straight days of solid screaming. My nerves are completely gone.

Despite being such a terrible week, things actually ended on a positive note today. During this week and last we've been having teacher observations where Trevor (POLY's Academic Coordinator) came in to watch some of our classes and evaluate our teaching style/classroom management skills. Well I had my review today with him, and passed with flying colours! His evaluation sheets were filled with nothing but great compliments and he was thoroughly impressed with my classes that he saw. He said I was an excellent teacher who is able to create informative lessons for the kids that keep them attentive and learning, yet still having fun. He went on and on about how great I am with the kids and what a comfortable learning environment I've created in my classrooms...it was exactly what the doctor ordered, I tell ya! To have him give me such a long list of glowing remarks really made me feel pretty damn good. After the week I've had I really did need this reconfirmation that yes, I am a good teache,r and that I shouldn't let this whole Judy fiasco make me doubt my abilities/wanna throw in the towel.

During Sixth Grade today I got another unexpected compliment from one of my students. We were talking about that Evil Gulmaek and what students in the class might be moving there in the coming months. Well Jinna piped up and said that her mom said that as long as I'm teaching at POLY, then Jinna stays there, but as soon as I leave, so does Jinna. WOW! The fact that her mom thinks I'm so good a teacher that she's keeping her daughter there studying because I'm there is one of the greatest compliments I could ever receive What a wonderful surprise to hear!

And what a really nice, positive note to end on what was one of the most trying and frustrating weeks that I've ever experienced as a teacher. For the most part this week was pure shite, but I'm going to just focus on that little shiny gem that I was given at the end of it. Now I need a weekend of escape and relaxation!


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