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Monday, April 25, 2005

Day 424: Judy

So my morning was going all fine and dandy and everything was great...until Computer class....

The kids had just sat down to play their Blues Clues game when all of a sudden Judy breaks out into tears. I go over to her to see what the matter is and at this point she's sobbing now, the waterworks pouring down her face like an abandoned garden hose. She wouldn't (couldn't?) tell me what the matter was and so I did what I normally do when I'm not fully equipped to handle a situation like this - I went and got Sonya. Sonya took her away to comfort her and find out why she started crying all of a sudden while I went back to watch the rest of my kids.

Well she ended up crying all through lunch as well, and even into gym class! What the hell? The only thing that Sonya could get out of her was that she was missing her mom/had a sore stomach. It's not unusual for kids to cry a little over stuff like this, but half a morning gone cause she won't stop sobbing? Wow, that's pretty emotional, even for a Korean five-year old!

I have to say that I'm good with kids, but I'm so not good when it comes to crying. There's something about a crying child that just destroys my nerves for the rest of the day. That sound just pierces all consciousness and makes me feel so irritable and helpless. Myabe not the best reaction for a Preschool teacher, but in the last 9 months of teaching I've gotten fairly used to crying. It's the sobbing for hours-on-end deal that I just can't handle. The language barrier makes it that much harder to help cause when they're upset they tend to revert right back to Korean.

I feel bad for Judy, but man I hope this is the last of this! No more crying, please!


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