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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Day 383: The First Day

So today is March 2nd, and the it's the First Day of the new school year here in Korea. I get 12 new Parrots all to myself, and I couldn't be more...nervous!

I know it sounds strange, but I'm totally nervous for today. I'm nervous that all my kids won't like me, or that I'll have 12 little hellions, or that I'll have nightmare moms, or that they won't listen to me, or that not a single one of them will speak English and they'll all be crying and peeing their pants on Day 1, and therefore everyday after. Haha!

But honestly though, as exaggerated as all of that may sound, to varying degrees they're all truths. It's funny to think that me, THE TEACHER, is nervous! All through my school years I was always nervous on the first day back to school, and I never once thought that my teachers might be nervous too. Now I'm on the other side of that coin and I know how it feels. My coworkers feel the same so at least I know I'm not alone with this feeling. I have to keep reminding myself, they're *only * five-year olds! I mean, come on! Who's in charge here, really?

And overall the day went pretty well. The first thing I noticed was how SMALL all of them were. I was used to the old Parrots, and all I can say is man, kids sure do grow fast in a year! They were all very quiet and shy and wide-eyed, just staring at me the whole time. The good thing is that most of them speak a few words, and there's a couple that actually speak quite a bit of English. Thank heavens!

Still, it was back to the basics. Basic classroom vocabulary, a tour of the school, showing them where their books and own individual little shelves were, practicing 'Stand Up/Sit Down' and other listening to the teacher exercises were all introduced, but not until after the very important lesson in where the bathroom was, and how to ask to go there. Gotta get that one down ASAP!

It was a kinda fun day and the kids were adorable. Still, I was freaking exhausted by the end of it! It should be a fun school year with Justin, Judy, Ryan, Paul, Eric, Laney, Nicole, Roy, Danny, Colin, Jeanie, and Ariel! Stay tuned for more adventures of 'Scotty & The Parrots: Season 2!'


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