Day 465: Drowning
God, these days, I'm totally drowning in report cards! Ugh!
It's that time of year again, that time that comes only four times a year (thankfully!) It's the dreaded 'end of the quarter' report cards and it means writing specialized comments for each individual student in all of our classes. Normally we just plug in some scores and grades, but this month it's a lot more work than just that.
I guess I shouldn't whine too much, real teachers back home do a helluva lot more than this. But still, 112 comments is A LOT of writing! And after a while they all start to sound the same, even when you try and keep them all original and unique for each student. I had a mountain to tackle, and despite starting early on them I feel like I'm drowning in all of them. So many to write! And they're all due tomorrow! Ahhhh!!!!
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