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Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Day 387: All The Ingredients

Today was a relaxed, low-key, fun day out with friends, and contained all the ingredients needed for a perfect afternoon:

- a great group of friends (today was Michael, Angele, and Meghann)
- a delicious lunch (courtesy of 3 Alley Pub)
- a grande extra hot extra sweet caramel macchiatto (thanks to Starbucks)
- a visit to not one, but two book stores (WhatTheBook? and Kyobo)
- some fantastic television (avec The OC, thanks to Chris' computer)

Seriously, what more could I ask for in a day? And how lucky am I to have such a great life here in Korea! I definitely have a very comfortable lifestyle that I'm more than just a little used to. What a shame to give it all up in only four months...


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