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Monday, January 10, 2005

Day 326: Tan Opsoyo!

("opsoyo" is Korean for "there is no")

So I've been in Korea about 48 hours and I'm already quickly returning to Skin Status: Albino.

That lovely tan that I lusciously earned while in Boracay has been disappearing faster than you can imagine. And I blame it all on the weather here! It's been so bloody cold since we've returned back to Korea. It's fucking freezing these days! I swear, it was like I walked to school that first morning back and could feel the colour being *sucked* out of my skin with each progressive step in the frigid outdoors.

My redness had actually started to turn a golden brown just before returning home, but now it's almost all gone. Give it a few more days and you'll never even know that I laid on a tropical beach for nine days. I'm guessing that by the time the weekend rolls around all evidence of my experience a la 'Touched By The Tropics' will be completely gone.


Well, it was fun while it lasted!


Blogger Cindy said...

How cold is cold? It was -35 for over a month here. What do you have?

2:51 p.m.


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