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Sunday, January 02, 2005

Day 313: A Shot At Redemption

Another crazy day!

This morning was practically all practice day for the Preschoolers. All Practice! All Morning! This Christmas concert is a Big Deal for the school. All the moms come out to watch and since this is the kids' first year of school, this is the first big POLY function for all these parents. It helps to set/affirm/make good impressions with parents and makes the school look really good if all goes well.

It's also really important that I do a great job as well. After my now infamous Great Open House Day Disaster this show is my chance to truly redeem myself for all these parents. Not only with I be able to show off my fun and addictive personality while I host the show, but if my kids do well, then it will prove to these scrutinizing moms that I'm a good teacher as well. (Hey who cares if your kid can read and write and spell all thanks to me, but can he dance *and* sing a Christmas carol? seems to be the issue of real - and in my eyes a little ill-placed - importance, I've been told.)

So I had the kids singing Jingle Bells and Jingle Bell Rock over and over, while Cecilia - the official choreographer of the Parrotrs - had them going over the dance a million times. The pressure's on kids, and your 'other mommy and daddy' (ie: Cecilia and I) want/need you to do well! Go break a leg!

And oh yeah, only three days until the take-off for Boracay begins...


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