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Thursday, November 11, 2004

Day 265: Everybody Needs One

Today was such a great day! Today is Katie's birthday so after work, during our usual little Thursday Game Night get-together, we decided to have an extra special night for Katie. Michael came out from Seoul like he does every Thursday and offered to cook us all an awesome Mexican dinner!


God I love Mexican food, and you just can't find Mexican food (well, good stuff anyways) here in Korea. My Mom makes incredible Mexican food, and other than that yummy burrito I had in Hong Kong, I can't even remember the last time I had GOOD Mexican food. Until tonight, anyways.

Michael cooked Katie, Addie and I a meal to die for. We had enchiladas and chicken fajitas with Spanish rice and it was *incredible!* We even had good salsa, cheese, and real sour cream! Michael had to go to like four foreign food stores just to get all the ingredients together to make this. It was fuckin' awesome! How lucky am I to have a friend who not only volunteers but actively enjoys driving like 40 minutes out to your house just to make dinner for you and your friends! And not just any dinner, but a truly delicious one. Everybody needs to have a friend like this!

After dinner the four of us played two ruckus games of Cranium and had a total blast. The night was full of shits and giggles and I haven't laughed that much in...well, since our last get-together. The four of us together have such a total blast, so freely and so effortlessly. We all just bounce off each other with our silliness and no matter what we're doing we're always having a famously good time. Man, I've got some really great friends here in Korea. Hooray for friends! :-)


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