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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Day 454: Safety First

I gave my Grade 3's the assignment of creating Safety Posters that could be displayed around the school. We had just finished reading a story about a police officer who goes to schools to give safety tips to all the kids (many of the tips being quite silly) and I thought this would be a fun project for the kids. I got my posters back today, and they were hilarious! Check out some of these rather...unique..words of advice from my kids:

"Don't sleep on a tiger."

"Do not step on a banana pile."

"Never pee at night."

"Never broke water melon with a head."

"Never fallow the strangers."

"Never shout to somebody's ears."

"Never kick a dog."

"Don't touch a rose."

"Never get a poisen kobra."

"Don't go to the fierce animal's."

"Never kick a bee hive."

"Never go in to a dangerus animal's cage."

"Never play with a knife."

"Never touch a dry ice."

"Do not play with a fire."

"Never sit on the tv too close."

"Don't eat so much."

"Do not step on a chair with a weels."

"Open your eyes every day."

"Never play with spray cans."

"Don't sit in the water."

"Do not go swimming during electrical storms."

"Don't spill water or jelley (all that we could slild on it.)"

Hahaha!! I love it! Gotta love words of wisdom in broken English, eh? ;-)


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