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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Day 444: Neighbours

Something cool to share...

I love the fact that I live in a part of the world where when watching the daily weather report on TV, daily forecasts are also given for...Vladivostok! In the regional map they always show, there's Seoul and Busan in Korea, Beijing, Tokyo, and good ol' Vladivostok. That little city (well not so small I guess) in Russia at the end of the TransSiberian Railroad that just looks so lonely and desolate and isolated from its own country. It's Russia's eastern port on the Pacific and is actually very close to the North Korean border. I always had a strange curiosity towards this city as a teenager in Geography classes. Not exactly sure why that was, but maybe it was just cause I thought it had a funny-sounding name that was fun to say? Never ever back then would I have thought that one day I'd live in a corner of the globe where I got to hear its forecast everyday!

How funny to think - Vladivostok is one of my neighbours! ;-)


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