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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Day 446: Easy Breezy

Today was such an easy breezy morning, and after Judy's spectacle yesterday I was thankful for that. Tomorrow is Children's Day, which is a national holiday, so there's no work for us. And because of that, most of this morning consisted of fun and games for the kids as part of the celebrations. Children's Day is actually a bigger day than Christmas for the kids, and most of them get *a lot* of presents from their parents, teachers, relatives, etc.

I only had to teach Phonics and Activity today, and then it was games in the library. We had a relay race where the kids had to line up (class vs. class!), run and jump on top of a balloon to break it, and then run up and eat an onion potato chip ring off of a string without using their hands, and then run back to their line. The kids loved it and it was hilarious for us teachers to watch the kids race like mad through the course. After the kids were finished they had a Foreign Teachers vs. Korean Teachers version of the same race. I was part of the Foreign Teachers Team, but we got our asses kicked. Still, was good silly fun for all. After lunch the kids watched a movie in the library all together and then it was time to go home. What a great morning (a lazy one!) for us teachers! :-)


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