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Thursday, October 28, 2004

Day 251: Dejavu For Water Woes

So I forgot to mention that the other day at work we were all delivered some lovely news... News that sounded oh-so familiar... And not in a good way! We were told that the water in Ilsan was going to be turned off - completley - for three days, and that we better prepare for it.

Now this is exactly what I went through a few months ago back in Shihung!! God who would've thought that I'd have to deal with this *more than once* while here in Korea! Apparently all the suburbs of Seoul have a water-stoppage rotation cycle. And this month it's Ilsan's turn! (It was Shihung's turn back in May, and I guess that's what I get for moving between suburbs!) I guess here in Ilsan they're going to be shutting off all the water so they can flush out some pipes and 'clean out the system'. Whatever. Back at home our water runs 24/7, 365 days a year (unless you live in Thunder Bay where the occasional Bever Fever scare shuts things down for a while) and yet our water remains clean and potable. The Koreans definitley have a strange and unusual waterworks system here!

Well today was Day 1 of no water, and I was all prepared for it. Well, actually it stopped last night sometime after dinner, but today was the first day where I couldn't have a shower. I had filled up my washing machine again with water so that I would still have some access for bathing/washing/flushing. I just decided to go 'sans-shower' today and it's cold enough here I don't really sweat, so the smell factor should be quite low. The water's supposed to go back on sometime around 9am on Friday so fingers-crossed they come through on that. I really would love to have my shower tomorrow morning before going to work. When I walked into my classes today all my kids went "Ohhh...teacher....new haircut?" and I was like "No, teacher no shower today!" Having constant water access is something that one definitley takes for granted (even if they've lost it already once this year!) and already I'm looking forward to tomorrow's shower. :-)


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