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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Da Boyz

I've been hanging out a lot lately with my new best buds Petr, Oscar, and Patrik, and the four of us always have a blast wherever we go, whatever we do. Silliness always ensues, as does usually enjoying a bottle (or two or four) of wine! The four of us have become pretty tight, and I'm really liking my new gang of boys. Perhaps it's time to start a new band, called POPS? (the first letter of each of our names.) NOT that I would ever, like in a hundred billion years, abandon my SLEDD roots, but since I'm all European these days maybe I also need a representative band, for my current new continental home? It fits, as we would clearly rock out the hot Brit music show, 'Top Of The POPS! ;-)

So here's two sets of pictures. The first is a few weekends ago when POPS went out for dinner and then came back to mine to enjoy some wine and *SHAZAM!* a random dance party! (See, I can still honour some SLEDD traditions by importing them to The Czech!) The pics are pretty funny, and hey, you can never have enough Drunk Scotty pics, now can you?

Set #2 is a dinner party we had, where Petr and Oscar came over to take over my kitchen and show off their culinary skills. (Since I have absolutely none.) Petr cooked up a delicious vegetarian chili, while Oscarito dazzled us with a delicious chocolate cake - made from scratch! Yum yum yum! :-)

Patrik, Oscar, and Petr on the couch in my bedroom.

Scottito, Oscarito, and Pedrito (our respective Spanish names, courtesy of Oscar who hails from Espana.)

Petr and Patrik - the happy couple! :-)

Petr gets cozy with Mona. (She's huge, came with my flat, and seems to have theoe eyes that follow you wherever you go in my room...it's a bit creepy.)

Oscar and Petr show off their "American smiles." ;-)

Two sexy studs!

Scotty attempts to look suave in his new specs, but instead just comes off looking drunk. As usual. ;-)

Dance mi chico latino, dance!

Petr and Oscar get their groove on while cooking dinner in my kitchen.

Oscar with "The Cake: Before"

Petr hard at work with the chili.

Mmmm...tasty chocolate icing!

Two boys enjoying the chocolate sauce just a little too much...

Oscar with "The Cake: After" (yes we pretty much ate the whole thing!)

Scotty gets caught with a mouthful of cake.

The obligatory "American smile" pose with my cake.


Blogger Marisela said...

Yo Scotty!! -- como estas amigo!!?

i always love to read/see your blogs..

espero estes bien :-)



9:20 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is "hellloooo Oscar!"

- Alicia

7:25 p.m.

Blogger GidgetJem said...

Oh, super cute pictures. Oscar looks cute and he can bake! that's a catch.
p.s. neither jem or i have seen alpha dog as of yet. after jt's new video i think i will wait till it is on TBS some random sunday.

9:34 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top of the POPS, sounds great. We can also have our own video on Youtube. We´ll be a legend...
Check it out!!!

2:59 p.m.

Blogger Gwan said...

Looking hot with the new glasses scotty! One question though, why doesn't Oscar ALREADY have a spanish name?

2:57 p.m.


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