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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Day 475: Retired

I'd like to officially announce my retirement...

...from Korean food.

I've had enough. I'm sick of it. I'm through. I'm done. It's over. It's a dead deal. And I'm moving on.

N-O M-O-R-E!

I'm just so tired of eating it I really can't stomach it anymore. Korean food is good, but it's VERY limited in both ingredients and spices used, and just with the lack of variety of how's it's prepared. After a year and a half of having essentially the same Korean meals a million times over (I can't eat most of it anyways cause it has beef or pork or gross squishy seafood stuff in it) I just can't take it any more. I'm just going to stop eating it altogether. And I don't think I'll miss it. And hey I'm leaving Korea in just over a month anyway.

I actually officially announced my retirement to my friends about two weeks ago, but with the last two weekends away being sorta off the beaten path in rural Korea, I haven't had any other choice than to eat Korean. I can handle that, it's no problem. I've just decided that now whenever I have the chance between Korean food and...anything else...I'll always choose anything else.

I'm sick of it, don't enjoy eating it any more, and am ready and eager to move on. Now if only I lived in Thailand...there's a cuisine I could eat every single day and not ever get bored of it!


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