Day 394: Million Dollar Baby
Today was a whole lotta nothing. Hmmm...I wonder why that is? ;-)
Meghann and I went to Yongsan to watch a movie and let's just say that we weren't moving all that quickly to get there! It was more of a slow meander to the movie theatre than a b-line! We went and saw 'Million Dollar Baby' and it was an absolutely incredible movie! The acting was incredible, the story line emotional and entertaining, and it left you with such a feeling of "damn that was a great movie, so worth my 7000 Won!" It definitely won every Oscar it got. I've been seeing a lot of really exceptionally good movies lately - Ray, The Aviator, Finding Neverland, and now Million Dollar Baby.
After the movie I went and met up with Addie, Katie, Jessica, and Peter for some dinner at Ho Lee Chow at LaFesta (great American-Chinese food!) After dinner they went to go and see Million Dollar Baby, and I went home to relax. Back to work tomorrow, I better go to bed - I *really* need my energy for work these days...
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