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Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Look! It's my bedroom!

Okay I meant to do this ages ago but just kept forgetting... Here they are - the pics of my flat - two months after I moved in! I've been getting a lot of requests to post these pics (Hi Mom!) so I hope this makes you all feel better.

See what an awesome pad I have! Me loves it!

My room, as seen from standing on my bed.

Now looking the opposite way...

Looking toward the door.

The kitchen, in a state of cleanliness that you see about as often as you do a two-headed snake.

Our sad kitchen table, with only one chair, that no one *ever* uses.

Looking towards Daf's room (which is next to mine) and the WC (toilet room.)

Standing in my doorway, the kitchen would be on your right, looking at Marco's doorway (and the bathroom on the left.)

The toilet room. Yes, in Czech Republic the toilet is separated from the rest of the bathroom. I never quite understood why, but hey I don't make these rules...

The bathroom, with our washer, sink and bidet (unseen) and the big bathtub/shower.


Blogger Gwan said...

So you can use the loo while Scotty's taking ten years in the shower! Duh! Looks great love.

6:19 p.m.

Blogger brappy said...

looks good!

4:33 a.m.


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