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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Day 194: "Oh, I Was The God!"

My co-worker Addie was marking some of her students' writing assignments in the Teachers' Room today and all of a sudden just burst out laughing hysterically. Wondering what was so funny, she read to the rest of us a story that one of her students had written. The assignment had been to write a fable that involves animals acting like humans, and there had to be some sort of moral or lesson to be learned at the end. She read me the story and I thought it was so funny that not only did I have to get a photocopy of it, but I wanted to share it with you guys. Maybe it won't be as funny for you because you need to know the context of teaching students in Korea, but it is pretty funny for a Grade 6 ESL student. Here it goes, completley unedited:

"square pants was a greedy pig. The pig was a good guy last day he ate a fruit. A special fruit. If you eat it, you turn in to a greedy eater. You eat anything that can be eaten!

Pig = I'm still hungry. mmm........ I need more food! arrrr! look, there is a ant hill.

Ants = Ahhhhhh! The pig is comming.

Pig = HaHaHa! (chew, chew, chew) No ants left. I'm still hungry. Mushrooms! (chew chew chew) Its delicious! Aww! I'm still hungry. What is the problem?

Narrator= The pig is always hungry so he ate everything in Earth and there was nothing left.

God=(looking the world) !!!, What is this? Where is everything I created? Oh my god! oh, I was the god. I think that pig ate every thing. I'll get rid of you!!!

ka boom!

Narrator=The pig died and the God created every thing from the beggining except the special fruit.
So don't be greedy or else there will be a punishment."

Maybe you just had to be there or have to be an English Teacher to get it, but it made all of us staff practically pee our pants laughing! Sometimes our kids just come up with the funniest stuff! They're awesome! :-)


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