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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Halloween Whores

Whoa...hey...is that Scotty wearing....eye liner!!?? Yessirree....he sure is!

So Halloween is a relatively new holiday to the Czech Republic. They don't have the tradition of it, but due to exposure through film and television from further west, it's been seeping in and gaining popularity. Halloween fell on a Tuesday this year, but on the 30th, a Monday, a day when I have to get up at 5:40am for work (and just in case you weren't sure before, waking up at 5:40am = so not fun!! ) I heard word of a Halloween party... Having no intentions of going out for Halloween this year (where to go? I'm too tired... I don't have a costume... I have laundry to do...blah blah blah I was full of excuses.) But then Carolyn invited me to the Halloween party her school was throwing for the students.

I resisted at first, but Alasdair and Jo begged and pleaded and when their cries simply became too much, I folded. I didn't have a costume, but then it was suggested that I dress up as Brandon Flowers (lead singer of The Killers.) I think this was all just an excuse for Jo to have her dream come true of seeing me in eye liner, but I went along with it, and despite being quite squirmish during the makeup's application, kinda agreed that I did look rather hot afterwards. Hmmm...maybe there *is* a future for me as a rock star? ;-)

The party ended up being quite lame, but that didn't stop us from having a good time. We were all quite silly, and as a result the following pictures occurred. Take a peek, and have a good laugh as we whore oursleves up! Cause if Halloween isn't a perfectly good excuse to look and act like total hoes, then I don't what else is! Bring On The Debauchery!

Jo The Tawdry Bohemian Maiden, and Vampy Vampire Alasdair!

JoJo showing off her naturally abundant bussom!

Make Love To The Camera! Oooohhhh yeah that's it baby!

Al & I plan on posting this photo on our flat's front door to ward off potential salesman and invasive bible-boppers!

This shot makes me laugh every single time I look at it! We're all SO TRASHY! Loves it! (P.S. Notice where my left hand is...Oh My!)


I'm supposed to be admiring Jo's best assets in this photo, but she claims that it looks like I'm about to head-butt her tits! What do you think?

Scotty molests Carolyn and Erika at the party. Hmmm...Scotty molesting innocent girls...looks like some things never change! ;-)


Blogger Gwan said...

Oh no can't believe you put porno shots of me on the net! That was for your private enjoyment Scotty! You do look slightly more like you're admiring the girls in your photo - I will send you the one on my camera where you 100% do look like you're meditating on how to cause me maximum pain...
Is the net working at Carolyn's again? You've been a busy blogging boy, haven't you? I'm going to steal some photos and put them on my blog, k?

9:36 a.m.


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