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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Day 212: Today's Lesson

I slept in late again today which was really awesome, and once again was greeted with a dark and rainy day. Another good day to lay it low and just chill out. Michael decided to come out to Ilsan again and so Pauline and I met him at LaFesta to hang out there.

When Pauline and I arrived at LaFesta we ran into Eric (not the Eric that just moved to London, but Eric who's Brian's friend and is the new teacher at POLY: Tahnyan.) We met up with Michael and the four of us went to have a coffee at Starbucks. (Sorry Delany's, I've been in Korea seven months now, and don't even hestitate or blink an eye or feel remotely guilty whatsoever for supporting the Evil Green Empire with my hard-earned won, anymore!) It was really nice to just sit and chat for quite a long time, and with the Starbucks Western-style coffee house, the rainy weather, and being surrounded by Asians I totally felt like I was back in Vancouver! Trippy!

Michael, Pauline and I decided to go and check out a DVD Bang (DVD Room). DVD Bangs are these really cool places where you and some friends go and rent a small room that has a giant TV and sound system and pick out a movie to watch. It's like going to a video store to pick out a movie, only you get to watch it *at* the store. It's tons of fun! We picked out a Korean film (with English sub-titles, we wanted something local to watch) and was led to our room. Our DVD Bang was kinda small but had enough couch space for the three of us and a pretty nice TV setup.

The movie turned out to be quite....ummm...dark and depressing, but was interesting nonetheless. Basically, the lesson learned from the film is that if you're a teenage girl and you and your best friend (and possibly lesbian lover, as you tend to shower with her a little too often and tenderly to just be friends) are trying to save up money as quickly as possible so you can buy plane tickets to Europe, *DO NOT* turn to prostitution, as tempting and convenient as it may seem at first! Cause if you do, you'll inevitably fall out of the window of a love motel and crack your head open on the pavement, and then your best friend/lesbian lover/unwilling pimp will lose all that she has in the world and because of her immense grief will have to go and sleep with *every single john* that you ever slept with and pay them all back the money you had made by fucking their middle-age brains out to try and regain some of your honour. And in doing so her detective/homicide investigator father will find out one day just what exactly she's been doing in her spare time and will absolutely lose his marbles completely and begin this downward spiral of stalking and tormenting all of the johns that will lead to some of them losing their families and/or committing suicide and then eventually murdering one of them in a public bathroom stall with a brick, and then eventually turn himself in one day after the two of them have gone up to visit their deceased mother's grave up in the mountains by calling the police and leaving her alone in the family car to drive herself home back to the city ALONE, even though she just learned how to drive for the first time, literally five minutes ago. And that would all really, really suck, and you don't want to do that to your lesbionic friend, now do you?

After that happy film the three of us went and had a very delicious Thai dinner at Aroi Aroi (that makes two amazing dinners in a row now!) and then went back to my place to chill. We eventually broke out the Scrabble board again (are you surprised? I sure am not!) and *sigh* once again Pauline won. After that I had to write up a Grade 2 Science Test that's gonna be used at all the POLY's at the end of the month, and then went to bed.

(Note to self: be sure to cancel all future plans for hoaring myself out to make some extra cash to sustain my travelling addiction, as I've learned today that doing so *might* not be the best money-making plan!) ;-)


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