Day 114: Destruction? Yes!
Today was our last full day that the four of us got to spend together ('The Core Four' as we describe ourselves!) It was again really hot and humid outside - this certainly encourages lethargy and can make it hard to be motivated to do much or go anywhere. We slept in really late today and were sooooo sloooooow in getting ready to head out into Seoul. Soooooo lazy we were!
We went to Insadong and had lunch at Spaghettia. Once again Koreans' version of 'meat-free' meals strikes again! I ordered a linguine dish (on the menu this came with a meat or no meat option) and was disapointed to see when it arrived that it still contained little itty bitty pieces of beef in the sauce. I guess the menu should read "Some-Bits-Of-Meat-Snuck-In-Linguine" and "Lots-of-Meat Linguine"!
I was super excited today cause we were going to see THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW! I've been waiting to see this movie for like six months and finally my day had come! We bought tickets and went and enjoyed the movie. It was awesome!!! Hail ripping apart Tokyo! Tornadoes clear-cutting Los Angeles! Tidal waves washing over and drowning Manhattan! There was disaster and destruction left right and centre and I loved every minute of it! It was sort of a 'check your head at the door' kind of movie (but aren't all disaster flicks?) but it was entertaining and exciting regardless! Unlike typical disaster movies, this one actually had a message though which was cool - take care of Mother Nature or she's gonna get real pissed off and cause a global ruckus! It was great fun anyways - bring on the disaster flicks!!!
After the movie we (of course) went and had ice cream at Ben & Jerry's, which the Core Four unamimously agree is far more superior than BaskinRobbins! (Unfortunately there is only one Ben & Jerry's that we know of in Seoul, whereas there are BaskinRobbins on EVERY corner in the city.) After ice cream Brad and Andrea went and did some shopping in Insadong while Steve and I headed to Kyobo to hang out in the bookstore.
We had a quiet night at home tonight. We just ordered some pizza and hung out at Brad's for a while watching TV. We went to bed pretty early because Brad and Andrea had a bunch of packing and cleaning to do, and Andrea and I were getting up early the next morning to head out on my trip to Jeju Island. Steve and I played more trivia then went to sleep.
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