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Friday, October 08, 2004

Day 230: Back To Work


Having to go back to work after being on vacation - especially such a truly enjoyable one - always sucks big time. I had such a great time on my trip and I wish I was still there livin' it up in Hong Kong. At least, I have to say, the break was really nice. I was only gone for five days but it actually felt like quite a bit longer in some ways. I felt like I had really removed myself from Korea and from work and my normal routine and came back feeling refreshed and re-energized. Still not quite ready to jump back into work full force, but recharged and refuelled at least.

Luckily for me I was given a smooth, gentle transition back into my work routine. Not only is today Thursday, meaning that it's only a two-day work week, but my classes were a breeze today. I only had six (count 'em, six!) pre-schoolers which meant that this morning was a total cake walk. Managing only six kids was SO MUCH EASIER in comparison to my usual eleven. God it's amazing how much better behaved they are when there's less of them to bounce off each other! My job would be infinitely easier if it was like this every week. Haha!

On top of that, for all my classes today, all the kids seemed *so much* mellower than usual. They were quiet ad well-behaved and some of them were borderline comatose. I had little to none to deal with in the Rowdiness Department today, and that was right across the board with all my Grade 2's and my Grade 4's. Looks like I'm not the only one who's feeling a little tired and also wishing they were still on vacation! ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe, Day 330? Time sure flies when Scotty's having fun! :-)

4:44 p.m.


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